If you’re a woman in perimenopause – or think you may be – and you’re experiencing sleep problems, you’re certainly not alone. Many menopausal women report poor sleep quality as one of their more impactful symptoms. Hot flushes and mood swings are often the big complaints with menopause but when women start having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, or both, they rarely make the connection that it’s to do with this important hormonal life stage.

The Australasian Menopause Society says that insomnia is more common in women than in men anyway and that around 25 percent of women aged between 50 and 64 experience issues with their sleep. They also say that sleep problems are more common in post-menopausal than pre-menopausal women, and that sleep-related symptoms are worse in women going through surgical menopause (oophorectomy).

Are you experiencing any of the following in association with your menopause-related sleep problems?

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Sleep-disordered breathing (snoring with gasps and pauses in breathing, which can indicate obstructive sleep apnoea or OSA).

To alleviate symptoms, recommendations include avoiding large, spicy or acidic meals, eating too soon before bedtime, and avoiding alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Try to sleep in cool, lightweight clothing and avoid using heavy blankets that could overheat you in the night. You might like to try using a fan or your aircon to keep the atmosphere cool and improve air circulation.

Trying meditation, massage, exercise and other relaxation techniques can help too. Going to bed anxious, over-tired, stressed or worried is not conducive to good sleep.

If your insomnia and other sleep-related problems are getting too much for you, see your doctor. You may also like to try our 100% natural sleep essential oils, especially before trying medicinal options such as sedatives or HRT.